MPC F4 - Smoke extract fan

MPC F4 - Smoke extract fan
MPC F4 - Smoke extract fan
Cubic duct fan with a double-wall galvanized steel casing and 30 mm mineral wool insulation (A1 noncombustible). Features an integrated condensate pan with drain connector. The fully removable inspection door and modular design allow three possible discharge directions (left, right, or up). The smooth internal surface ensures unobstructed airflow, and all screws are positioned externally to prevent airflow interference. Equipped with a backward-curved, powder-coated steel impeller, dynamically balanced to G6.3 (DIN/ISO 1940) standards. Driven by an IEC three-phase motor, positioned outside the airflow, with a special shaft seal preventing oil and water ingress. Maintenance-free, lifetime-lubricated ball bearings. Speed control via frequency converter, with external thermal protection required.
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